
Which level (version) of VinylMaster do I need?

VinylMaster software comes in four (4) levels, as follows: 

  • DSR – Dedicated graphics design + image tools + shading + 3D + cutting (full-featured designer)
  • PRO – Professional sign cutting
  • LTR – Hobby (Vectorizing, simple designs and simple cutting)
  • CUT – Basic (few tools)

The level you need will depend on what you wish to design, produce and output with VinylMaster.

Why VinylMaster DSR?


VinylMaster DSR is ideal to design and produce high-end 3D and shaded artwork and/or to publish in super high-resolution to PDF for large format printing by a service bureau, friend or colleague with a large format printer and a RIP. It is also ideal for producing eye-popping vinyl signage with its large range of design, layout and cutting tools which PRO is unable to produce. Click here to learn more.

Note: VinylMaster DSR does not include a RIP.

Why VinylMaster PRO?


If you wish to earn an income using VinylMaster by using the software in your sign making and/or vinyl cutting business then VinylMaster PRO is the lowest level you should seriously consider. CUT and LTR do not have the necessary tools for this purpose and you will not be nearly as productive as you could be – which will ultimately slow you down and decrease your earning’s potential. Click here to learn more.

Why VinylMaster LTR?


If you wish to do some hobby and craft and simple signs from home then VinylMaster LTR would be ideal and is a great entry level sign making program. Click here to learn more.

Why VinylMaster CUT?


If you have bought a vinyl cutter and need to make some basic signs for in and around your office, workshop or factory then VinylMaster CUT would be suitable, however, VinylMaster CUT does not include the Vectorizer, any vector effects tools such as drop shadow or text on arc so is much more limited than VinylMaster LTR, PRO or DSR. Click here to learn more.

See and Compare Tools & Features

You can compare all levels with each other by clicking here.

What clients say?

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